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Define electrical energy with S.I. unit?

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Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Definition of Electrical Energy:
- Electrical energy is defined as the energy that is generated by the movement of electrons from one point to another. It can also be derived from the potential energy or kinetic energy of charged particles, not limited to electrons alone.

2. Understanding Charge Particles:
- While electrons are commonly associated with electrical energy, any charged particle can contribute to electrical energy through its movement. This means that electrical energy can arise from various types of charged particles.

3. SI Unit of Electrical Energy:
- The SI unit of electrical energy is the joule (J).

4. Definition of One Joule:
- One joule of electrical energy is defined as the energy transferred when one ampere of current flows through a circuit for one second.

5. Examples of Electrical Energy:
- Examples include the energy produced by a battery in a car due to chemical reactions that generate electron movement, and the energy released during lightning, which is a natural electrical discharge.

Final Answer:
Electrical energy is the energy generated by the movement of electrons or any charged particles. Its SI unit is the joule (J), defined as the energy transferred when one ampere of current flows for one second.

