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How many times the digit 7 appears in the numbers from 103 to 200?









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Generated By DoubtnutGPT

The correct Answer is:C

To find how many times the digit 7 appears in the numbers from 103 to 200, we can break it down into steps.

Step 1: Count occurrences of 7 in the range 103 to 199
First, we will check the numbers from 103 to 199 (since 200 does not contain the digit 7).

Step 2: Count occurrences in the tens and units place
We will analyze the occurrences of the digit 7 in both the tens and units places separately.

Counting occurrences of 7 in the units place:
- The units place can have the digit 7 in the following numbers:
- 107, 117, 127, 137, 147, 157, 167, 177, 187, 197
- This gives us a total of 10 occurrences of the digit 7 in the units place.

Counting occurrences of 7 in the tens place:
- The tens place can have the digit 7 in the following numbers:
- 170, 171, 172, 173, 174, 175, 176, 177, 178, 179
- This gives us a total of 10 occurrences of the digit 7 in the tens place.

Step 3: Adjust for double counting
In the previous step, we counted the number 177 twice (once for the units place and once for the tens place). Therefore, we need to subtract 1 from the total count.

Step 4: Calculate the total occurrences
- Total occurrences = Occurrences in units place + Occurrences in tens place - Double counted occurrences
- Total occurrences = 10 (units) + 10 (tens) - 1 (double count) = 19

Step 5: Count occurrences in the number 200
Since 200 does not contain the digit 7, it does not contribute to our count.

Final Count
Thus, the total number of times the digit 7 appears in the numbers from 103 to 200 is 19.

The answer is 19.

