Read the given extract and answer the questions that follows:
If democracies are expected to produce good governments, then is it not fair to expect that they would also produce development? Evidence shows that in practice many democracies did not fulfil this expectation.
If you consider all democracies and all dictatorships for the fifty years between 1950 and 2000, dictatorships have slightly higher rate of economic growth. The inability of democracy to achieve higher economic development worries us. But this alone cannot be the reason to reject democracy. As you have already studied in economics, economic development depends on several factors: country's population size, global situation, cooperation from other countries, economic priorities adopted by the country, etc. However, the difference in the rates of economic development between less developed countries with dictatorships and democracies is negligible. Overall, we cannot say that democracy is a guarantee of economic development. But we can expect democracy not to lag behind dictatorship in this respect. When we find such significant difference in the rates of economic growth between countries under dictatorship and democracy, it is better to prefer democracy as it has several other positive outcomes.
Answer the following MCQs by choosing the most appropriate options:
The difference in the rates of economic development between less development countries with dictatorships and democracies is:
Very vast
Slightly noticeable
Very low
The correct Answer is:C
The economic growth rate in all dictatorial regimes was 4.42 per cent as compared to all democratic regimes. 3.95 per cent during the period 1995 - 2000.
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