When 2388, 4309 and 8151 are divided by a certain 3-digit number, the remainder in each case is the same. The remainder is:
The correct Answer is:D
To find the common remainder when 2388, 4309, and 8151 are divided by a certain 3-digit number, we can follow these steps:
Step 1: Calculate the differences between the numbers
First, we need to find the differences between the three numbers:
- Difference between 4309 and 2388:
- Difference between 8151 and 4309:
- Difference between 8151 and 2388:
Step 2: Find the GCD of the differences
Next, we need to find the greatest common divisor (GCD) of these differences. We will use the GCD of 1921, 3842, and 5763.
1. Finding GCD of 1921 and 3842:
- 3842 = 2 × 1921
- Thus, GCD(1921, 3842) = 1921.
2. Finding GCD of 1921 and 5763:
- We can use the Euclidean algorithm:
5763÷1921≈3(3 times 1921 is 5763)
- Remainder:
- Thus, GCD(1921, 5763) = 1921.
Step 3: Factor the GCD
Now we will factor 1921 to find its divisors:
- 1921 can be factored as:
Step 4: Check for 3-digit divisors
The 3-digit factors of 1921 are:
- 113 (not a 3-digit number)
- 17 (not a 3-digit number)
- 1921 (not a 3-digit number)
Since we need a 3-digit divisor, we can check the divisors of 1921. The only 3-digit number that divides 1921 is 113.
Step 5: Calculate the remainder
Now we need to find the common remainder when 2388, 4309, and 8151 are divided by 113.
1. Finding remainder of 2388:
2388÷113≈21(21 times 113 is 2373)
- Remainder:
2. Finding remainder of 4309:
4309÷113≈38(38 times 113 is 4294)
- Remainder:
3. Finding remainder of 8151:
8151÷113≈72(72 times 113 is 8156)
- Remainder:
8151−8156=−5(which is equivalent to 15 when considering positive remainders)
The common remainder when 2388, 4309, and 8151 are divided by the 3-digit number is 15.
First, we need to find the differences between the three numbers:
Next, we need to find the greatest common divisor (GCD) of these differences. We will use the GCD of 1921, 3842, and 5763.
- 3842 = 2 × 1921
- Thus, GCD(1921, 3842) = 1921.
- We can use the Euclidean algorithm:
5763÷1921≈3(3 times 1921 is 5763)
- Remainder:
- Thus, GCD(1921, 5763) = 1921.
Now we will factor 1921 to find its divisors:
- 1921 can be factored as:
The 3-digit factors of 1921 are:
- 113 (not a 3-digit number)
- 17 (not a 3-digit number)
- 1921 (not a 3-digit number)
Now we need to find the common remainder when 2388, 4309, and 8151 are divided by 113.
2388÷113≈21(21 times 113 is 2373)
- Remainder:
4309÷113≈38(38 times 113 is 4294)
- Remainder:
8151÷113≈72(72 times 113 is 8156)
- Remainder:
8151−8156=−5(which is equivalent to 15 when considering positive remainders)
The common remainder when 2388, 4309, and 8151 are divided by the 3-digit number is 15.
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