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Prove that, (1w+w2)4+(1+ww2)4=16

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To prove that (1ω+ω2)4+(1+ωω2)4=16, we will use the properties of the cube roots of unity. Let’s denote ω as a primitive cube root of unity, which satisfies the following equations:

1. ω3=1
2. 1+ω+ω2=0

From the second equation, we can derive that ω2=1ω and ω=1ω2.

1. Rewrite the expressions:

2. Raise to the power of 4:

3. Calculate ω4:
Since ω3=1, we have ω4=ω.

4. Substitute back:

5. Calculate (1+ω)4:
Using the binomial theorem:
Since ω3=1 and ω4=ω:

6. Combine results:

7. Using ω+ω2=1:
Since ω+ω2=1, we can substitute:

8. Final calculation:

Thus, we have shown that:
