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Prove that tan(45θ)=cosθsinθcosθ+sinθ

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To prove that tan(45θ)=cosθsinθcosθ+sinθ, we will start with the left-hand side (LHS) and manipulate it to match the right-hand side (RHS).

Step 1: Write down the LHS.

Hint: Start with the expression you want to prove and remember the angle subtraction formula for tangent.


Step 2: Use the tangent subtraction formula.
Using the formula tan(AB)=tanAtanB1+tanAtanB, where A=45 and B=θ:

Hint: Recall the formula for the tangent of a difference of angles.


Step 3: Substitute the values of tan45.
Since tan45=1:

Hint: Remember that tan45 is a special angle with a known value.


Step 4: Substitute tanθ with sinθcosθ.

Hint: Use the definition of tangent in terms of sine and cosine.


Step 5: Simplify the expression.
To simplify, multiply the numerator and the denominator by cosθ:

Hint: When simplifying fractions, multiplying by a common denominator can help eliminate fractions.


Step 6: Compare with the RHS.
Now we have:
which matches the RHS.

Hint: Always check if the final expression matches what you were trying to prove.


Thus, we have proven that:
