Study the following information carefully and answers the questions given below. There are 10 shelves numbered 1, 2.....10. They are arranged in two rows one above the other. The shelves 1, 2....5 are in row 1 and rest in row 2 which is above row 1. The shelves are arranged in increasing order of number given to them. Like the shelf number 1 is placed on extreme left of row 1, then shelf number 2 and so on. Similarly the shelf number 6 is placed on extreme left of row 2, and so on. Each shelf contains a certain number of glass slabs and photo frames. There is at least one glass slab in each shelf. The length of each glass slab is 15 cm and that of each photo frame is 6 cm. The shelf 3 has length 33 cm. There is one shelf between shelf 3 and yellow shelf. The yellow shelf contains 1 glass slab and 6 photo frames more than that in shelf 3. The silver shelf is just above the yellow shelf. The silver shelf contains same number of glass slabs as yellow shelf and 1 photo frame. There are 2 shelves between silver and green slabs. The length of green shelf is 3 cm greater than the silver shelf. The blue shelf is immediate next in number to green shelf. The bule shelf contains 1 glass slab more than that in silver shelf and 1 photo frame less than that in green shelf. There is one shelf between blue and orange shelves. The white shelf is just below the orange shelf. There is one shelf between white and red shelf. Black shelf is in row 2. The pink shelf is just below the black shelf. The black shelf has same number of photo frame and glass slabs. The orange shelf has 1 glass slab more than black shelf. The lenght of orange shelf is 24 cm more than the length of pink shelf. The length of violet shelf is half the length of yellow shelf. The red shelf has greater than or equal to four glass slabs. The length of pink shelf is 6 cm less than the shelf immediate next in number. The length of row 1 is 267 cm and that of row 2 is 249 cm.
How many total glass slabs do the silver, black and red shelves contain ?
Other than those given in options.
The correct Answer is:B
According to the given information,
The length of row 1 = 267 cm
The length of row 2 = 249 cm
The length of each glass slab (G.S) = 15 cm
The length of each photo frame (P.F) = 6 cm.
Final arrangement :
Note: G.S = glass slab. P.F = photo frame.
Final arrangement :
Required total glass slab
= 2 (Silver) + 2 (Black) + 5 (Red)=9
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दो सख्याओ का अन्तर 26 है और एक सख्या दूसरी सख्या की तीन गुनी है उन्हे ज्ञात कीजिए।
View Solutionएक के विद्यार्थियों क्रो पंकितियों में खड़ा होना है। यदि पक्ति में 3 विधर्थी अधिक होते, तो 1 पक्ति कम होती । यदि पक्ति में 3 विधार्थी कम होने , तो 2 पंक्तिया अधिक बतनी ।कक्षा में विद्यार्थियों की संख्या ज्ञात कीजिए।
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(2m−1)x+3y−5=0 और 3x+(n−1)y−2=0
View Solution30 टिकटों की लाटरी से, जिन पर 1, 2, 3,...., 30 अंकित हैं, चार टिकटें खींची जाती हैं। यदि खींची हुई टिकटों में 1 और 2 से अंकित टिकटें हों, तो प्रायिकता ज्ञात करो।
View Solutionअ के एक लाटरी में तीन शेयर हैं जिनमें 3 इनाम हैं तथा 6 रिक्त हैं। ब का एक लाटरी में 1 शेयर है जिसमें 1 इनाम तथा 2 रिक्त हैं। दिखाइये कि अ के जीतने की प्रायिकता का ब के जीतने की प्रायिकता से अनुपात 16 : 7 है।
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View Solutionनीचे कुछ अभिक्रियाएँ दी गयी है-
(a) ACl2+B→BCl2+A
(b) B+DCl→ कोई अभिक्रिया नहीं
(c) C+2DCl→2D+CCl2
(d) C+ECl2→ कोई अभिक्रिया नहीं
(e) H2+ECl2→2HCl+E
(f) H2+FCl2→ कोई अभिक्रिया नहीं
उपरोक्त दिए तत्वों (A से F) को रासायनिक सक्रियता के घटते क्रम में व्यवस्थित करो ।
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