Read the following information to answer these questions.
To apply for the scholarship, a student must see the Principal, fill out an application form and obtain an approval form either from his Head of Deptt. (HOD) or Chief Accounts Officer (CAO).
Student must see Principal before filling out form in order to make sure it is filled out correctly.
The Principal has office hours for students only on Thursday and Friday mornings, and Monday and Tuesday afternoons.
The Scholarship office, where the forms have to be deposited, is open only on Monday and Tuesday mornings, Wednesday afternoon, and Friday morning.
HOD is in her office only on Monday and Tuesday mornings.
CAO is in his office only on Tuesday and Friday mornings.
If a student completed her application process in one visit, which of the following must be false ?
(I) She got her case approved by CAO.
(II) She got her case approved by HOD.
(III) She completed everything in the afternoon.
II only
I only
III only
II and III only
The correct Answer is:D
By analysing the given information :
By analysing the above table, it is clear that Statements II and III are false.
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