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The HCF of 36, 54 and 108 is:









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To find the HCF (Highest Common Factor) of the numbers 36, 54, and 108, we will use the prime factorization method.

Step 1: Prime Factorization of Each Number
1. Prime Factorization of 36:
- 36 can be divided by 2:
- 36÷2=18
- 18 can be divided by 2:
- 18÷2=9
- 9 can be divided by 3:
- 9÷3=3
- 3 can be divided by 3:
- 3÷3=1
- So, the prime factorization of 36 is:

2. Prime Factorization of 54:
- 54 can be divided by 2:
- 54÷2=27
- 27 can be divided by 3:
- 27÷3=9
- 9 can be divided by 3:
- 9÷3=3
- 3 can be divided by 3:
- 3÷3=1
- So, the prime factorization of 54 is:

3. Prime Factorization of 108:
- 108 can be divided by 2:
- 108÷2=54
- 54 can be divided by 2:
- 54÷2=27
- 27 can be divided by 3:
- 27÷3=9
- 9 can be divided by 3:
- 9÷3=3
- 3 can be divided by 3:
- 3÷3=1
- So, the prime factorization of 108 is:

Step 2: Identify the Common Factors
Now, we will identify the common factors from the prime factorizations:
- For 2:
- The minimum power is 21 (from 54).
- For 3:
- The minimum power is 32 (from 36).

Step 3: Calculate the HCF
Now we can calculate the HCF by multiplying the common factors:

Final Answer
The HCF of 36, 54, and 108 is 18.

