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Read the following passage about tea.
India and tea are so intertwined together that life without the brew is unimaginable. Tea entered our life only in the mid-nineteenth century when the British started plantations in Assam and Darjeeling! ln the beginning though, Indians shunned the drink as they thought it was a poison that led to unforeseen diseases. Ironically, tea colonised British where it became a part of their social diary and also led to the establishment of numerous tea houses.
Today, scientific research across the world has attempted to establish the beneficial qualities of tea a fact that Japanese and the Chinese knew anyway from ancient times, attributing to its numerous medicinal properties. Source History-Tea Anytime, Ranjit Biswas. The Hindu, Library Review (Oct. 1, 2006)
Collect information about tea e.g. its evaluation as a drink, its beneficial qualities: You can consult an encyclopaedia or visit Internet sites. Then, form a group of five and play the following roles. Imagine a meeting of a tea planter, a sale agent, a tea-lover (customer), a physician and a tea shop owner. Each person in group has to put forward his/her views about tea. You may use the following words and phrases:
I feel .............. ..
It is important to know .............. ..
I disagree with you ............... .
I think that tea ............... .
I would like you to know ............... .
I agree with ............... .
It is my feeling ............... .
I suggest ............... .
May I know why you ............... .
I am afraid ...............

Text Solution
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It is very important to know that tea has become very favourite with people. None of the festive parties or occasions will be graceful without the availability of hot tea. Assam is the tea home of India and it is exported to other countries. The scientific research has established that tea has medicinal qualities. It gives relief in exhaustion, tooth ache, and blood pressure. It is a real panacea for cold, cough and flu. Today, one can see that there are so many brands of tea. Sipping tea twice a day will never harm our body. ln order to have a good flavour one can add cardamom also.

Updated on:21/07/2023

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