Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow : -
I know poverty and misery and I quite appreciate by personal experience what it is to be poor, what it is to have no clothes, what it is to have no books, what it is to struggle through life, what it is to walk through the streets without an umbrella, without conveyance along miles on dusty roads. I have been through it all and I can understand the difficulties that most of you graduates have to face today. I am speaking from a long experience of 60 years. Please do not imagine that all the 60 years were milk and roses. To be able to accomplish something, I want to tell you that you have to go through such experiences.
I admit, success in life is not always to the intelligent or the strong, and it is to some extent a bit of a gamble, but nonetheless, those who got their minds right and those who know their job sooner or later, will sooner perhaps than later make their way in life. But they should not be disappointed if they do not, they have to face up life and take it as they find it.
What I say is this that the great things in life are not really great things in life. What I love is to enjoy the common things of life. I am happy that I am still able to sleep at night provided I have three miles walk in the evening. I am still able to enjoy a good lunch or a good dinner. I am still able to look at the blue sky and like it. I still like to walk in the open fields and like the smell of the Ragi or the Jowar.
We think that happiness is going to theatres and seeing thrilling films and techni-colour dramas. Not at all, the great things in life are the God-given things which cost nothing. What you need is the desire to appreciate them. If you have your minds and hearts open, you have around you things which give you joy. There is the butterfly jumping about in flourishing colours on all sides. Look at the wonderful things that God has given for our enjoyment.
We have to love nature and appreciate nature and appreciate its wonderful gifts, of nature's marvellous ingenuity, its resourcefulness, and infinite variety. It is the same thing that has inspired me all my life.
"I am still able to look at the blue sky and like it." What personality of C. V. Raman is depicted in these lines ?
He likes to go for walk.
He is a nature loving person.
He is a fit man
He has a good eyesight.
The correct Answer is:B
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