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What do you understand by "Watershed Management'' ? List any two advantages of watershed management.

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Step 1: Define Watershed Management
Watershed management refers to the process of managing the land and water resources within a watershed to improve water quality and quantity. It involves implementing land use practices and water management strategies that aim to protect and enhance the natural environment. The goal is to ensure that water resources are used sustainably and that the ecosystem remains healthy.

Step 2: Explain the Importance of Watershed Management
Watershed management is crucial because it helps in conserving water, preventing soil erosion, and maintaining the quality of water bodies. It focuses on the management of green water (the water that is available through precipitation and is absorbed by vegetation) and ensures that this water is effectively captured and stored in lakes, rivers, and other water bodies.

Step 3: List Advantages of Watershed Management
1. Increases Downstream Water Availability: By managing watersheds effectively, the flow of water to downstream areas is enhanced. This ensures that lakes, ponds, and rivers receive adequate water supply, which is essential for both ecosystems and human use.

2. Boosts Local Agricultural Production and Income: Effective watershed management prevents waterlogging in soils, which can damage crops. By ensuring proper water management, farmers can achieve better crop yields, leading to increased income for local communities.

Updated on:8/8/2024

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