Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follows: There are many activities that are undertaken by directly using natural resources. When we produce a good by exploiting natural resources, it is an activity of the primary sector. Since most of the natural products we get are from agriculture, dairy, fishing, forestry, this sector is also called agriculture and related sector. The secondary sector covers activities in which natural products are changed into other forms through ways of manufacturing that we associate with industrial activity. It is the next step after primary. The product is not produced by nature but has to be made and therefore some process of manufacturing is essential. After Primary and Secondary, there is a third category of activities that falls under Tertiary sector and is different from the above two. These are activities that help in the development of the Primary and Secondary sectors. These activities, by themselves, do not produce a good but they are an aid or a support for the production process.
The various production activities in the Primary, Secondary and Tertiary sectors produce a very large number of goods and services. Also, the three sectors have a large number of people working in them to produce these goods and services. The value of final goods and services produced in each sector during a particular year provides the total production of the sector for that year. And the sum of production in the three sectors gives what is called the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of a country. It is the value of all final goods and services produced within a country during a particular year. GDP shows how big the economy is.
Answer the following MCQs by choosing the most appropriate option
Which of the following statement is not true?
When we produce a good by exploiting natural resources, it is an activity of the Primary Sector.
The Secondary sector covers activities in which natural products are changed into other forms through ways of manufacturing
Service sector is also called the industrial sector.
None of the above.
The correct Answer is:C
Secondary sector is also called industrial because the secondary sector is? Mostly associated with industries. For example, I textile industry, steel industry, etc.
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