Read the source given below and answer the questions that follows: India has one of the largest road networks in the world, aggregating to about 2.3 million km at present. In India, roadways have preceded railways. They still have an edge over railways in view of the ease with which they can be built and maintained. National Highways link extreme parts of the country. These are the primary road systems and are laid and maintained by the Central Public Works Department (CPWD). Roads linking a state capital with different district headquarters are known as State Highways. These roads are constructed and maintained by the State Public Works Department (PWD) in State and Union Territories.
Which highways are known as State Highways?
highways linking state capital with different district headquarters
highways linking one state to other states
highways linking all the villages of state
highways which are maintained by state government.
The correct Answer is:A
highways linking state capital with different district headquarters
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