Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow by selecting the correct/most appropriate options.
Our body is a wondrous mechanism and when subjected to unusual stress over a period of time, it adapts itself to deal more effectively with that stress. Therefore, when you exert your muscles against resistance, they are forced to adapt and deal with this extraordinary work load. This is the principle of weight training. Strands of muscle fibres become thicker and stronger, in response to the demands placed on them.
One of the great merits of weight training is the strength of your heart. During weight training: your heart is forced to beat faster and stronger in order to pump sufficient blood to the muscles being - worked. In time, your heart, like your body will adapt to this extra workload by becoining stronger and more efficient. Since, your body needs a given amount of blood to perform its daily tasks, your heart will now necd fciterheatsito pump the same . quantity of blood. Sounds good? There's more, your entire circulatury as is given a through workout every time you exercise, which increases its overall efficiency. Even the neural paths from your brain's command centres to each individual muscle become more effective, enabling easier recruitment of muscle fibres for carrying out physical tasks. In essence, your body becomes a well-oiled and fine tuned piece of machinery, whirring along without any breakdown. In today's stress filled world, you need all the help you can get,
Select from the following the most suitable title for the passage,
How to Retain Your Health
Health is Wealth
The Mechanics of Weight Training,
The correct Answer is:D
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