Explain with examples the role of print culture in the bringing of French Revolution.
Text Solution
The following points show the role of print culture in the bringing of French Revolution.
Print popularised the ideas of the enlightenment thinkers. The writings of Voltaire and Rousseau were read widely.
These thinkers argued for the rule of reason rather than custom and demanded that everything should be judged through the application of reason and rationality.
Print created a new culture of dialogue and debate. All values, norms and institutions were re-evaluated and discussed by a public that had become aware of the power of reason and recognised the need to question existing ideas and beliefs.
By the 1780s, there was an outpouring of literature that mocked the royalty and criticised their morality. In the process, it raised questions about the, existing social order.
Print did not directly shape their minds, but it did open up the possibility of thinking differently.
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