The supervisor would have to change his attitude towards people first. The staff under him must be perceived as human beings with feelings and needs. "They are not automations within a complex work machinery. One of the greatest needs of today's worker is to have a feeling that he is in control of his work place and not vice-versa The best way is to satisfy this need as far as possible, He must feel firstly, that his work is meaningful. To do this, the supervisor must delegate responsibility and limited authority for the man to execute his job well.
The subordinate must be properly trained to assume responsibility and authority. Once he is ready to assume these he can be made accountable for his job. Very often supervisors assume all responsibility and accountability for fear of losing control of the workplace. This makes workers under him pawns in a vast chessboard. Delegating: accountability gives the worker a purpose in life and the need to do a job well. Most important is to sit with each worker and chalk out common objectives and agreed norms to achieve them. This gives workers a security as to what is expected of them. When he has met his objectives, he certainly has a feeling of achievement. This feeling of achievement is the greatest motivator.
Pick out a word from the passage that means to understand or think of something in a particular way'
The correct Answer is:B
Perceive is the correct answer which means .to understand or think of something in a particular way.
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