Human nutrition includes nutrient requirement, mode of intake of food and its utilisation in the body occurring in various steps which are
A. Absorption B.Egestion
C. Assimilation D. Ingestion
E. Digestion
Arrange these steps in sequence as they occur inside the body.
The correct Answer is:D
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Determine the correct sequence of the process of nutrition in a human being .
A. Mastication of food and formation of bolus
B. Production of chyme
C. Deglutition
D. Passage of unabsorbed , undigested substances to the caecum
E. Digestion in the most coiled part of alimentary canal
View SolutionThe partially digested food coming from the stomach of a person enters a long and narrow organ A in his body. The organ A receives the secretions of two glands : liver and secretes a greensih yellow liquid B which is normally stored in the organ C. Pancreas secretes pancreatic juice which contains three digestive enzymes D, E and F. The intestinal juice completes the process of digestion of food. The inner wall of organ A has million of tiny finger-like projections G which help in the rapid absorption of digested food into blood stram. The undigested part of food then passes into wider tube H which absorbs most of the water from undigested food. The last part of tube H called I stores this undigested food (or waste) for some time. The undigested food is then passed out though opening J as faeces in the process known as K.
(a) Name the organ A.
(b) Name (i) liquid B, and (ii) organ C
(c) What are the digestive enzymes D, E and F ?
(d) Name (i) tube H (ii) part I (iii) opening J, and (iv) process K
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Knowledge Check
Human nutrition includes nutrient requirement, mode of intake of food arid its utilisation in the body occurring in various steps which are
A. Absorption
B. Egestion
C. Assimilation
D. Ingestion
E. Digestion
Arrange these steps in sequence as they occur inside the body.AE, D, C, A, BBD, A, B, C, ECA, B, C, D, EDD, E, A, C, BThe earthworm has no bones but there is a series of muscular rings all along its body, which it uses for locomotion. Given below are the various steps of its locomotion. Arrange them in sequence and select the correct option.
(i) It shortens the body by muscle contraction and pulls its rear-end forward.
(ii) It fixes the front end and releases the near end.
(iii) It fixes its rear portion to the ground with the help of tiny bristles.
(iv) It extends the front part of its body by muscle expansion.A(iv) → (iii) → (ii) → (i)B(iii) → (iv) → (ii) → (i)C(i) → (ii) → (iii) → (iv)D(ii) → (iii) → (iv) → (i)Following are down the steps of an experiment to prove that medium is required for the propagation of sound waves. Arrange these steps in propagation of sound waves. Arrange these steps in proper sequence
(a) Consider a glass jar with an outlet connected to a vacuum pump and a closed lid
(b) Suspend an electric bell.
(c) Evacuate the jar by using a vaccum pump
(d) Switch on the electric bell
(e) Observe that the intensity of the sound is less when the jar is evacuated
(f) This proves that medium is required for the propagation of soundAf e d a b cBa b d e c fCa b d c e fDa b c d e f
In this question below is given a statement followed by two assumptions numbered I and II.Consider the statement and decide which of the given assumption in implicit.
Give answer (a) if only assumption I is implicit : (b) if only assumption II is implicit: (c) If either I or II is implicit: (d) If neither I nor II is implicit and (e) If both I and II are implicit.
Statement:The taste of food contributes to the intake of nourishment which is essential for the survival of human beings
Assumption I.human beings take food for the enjoyment of its taste
II.human beings experience the taste of food
View SolutionFollowing statements describe the five steps in animal nutrition. Read each statement and give one word for each statement. Write the terms that describes each process.
(a) Transportation of absorbed food to different parts of body and their utillisation.
(b) Breaking of complex food substances into simpler and soluble substances.
(c ) Removal of undigested and unabsorbed solid residues of food from the body.
(d) Taking food into the body.
(e ) Transport of digested and soluble food from the intestine to blood vessels.
View SolutionDetermine the correct sequence of the process of nutrition in a human being .
A. Mastication of food and formation of bolus
B. Production of chyme
C. Deglutition
D. Passage of unabsorbed , undigested substances to the caecum
E. Digestion in the most coiled part of alimentary canal
View SolutionThe material A is fossil fuel which is extracted from the earth. It is said to be formed from the buried , large land plants by a very slow process B. When A is heated in the absence of air in a process called C, then it gives three products D, E, and F. The product D is used as a reducing agent in the extraction of metals the product E is used as an industrial fuel whereas the product F has been traditionally used for metalling the roads .
c) Name the processes (i) B and (ii) C.
View SolutionDetermine the correct sequence of the process of nutrition in a human being .
A. Mastication of food and formation of bolus
B. Production of chyme
C. Deglutition
D. Passage of unabsorbed , undigested substances to the caecum
E. Digestion in the most coiled part of alimentary canal
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