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Find LCM of 120, 210,and 225

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To find the Least Common Multiple (LCM) of the numbers 120, 210, and 225, we can use the prime factorization method. Here’s a step-by-step solution:

Step 1: Prime Factorization of Each Number
- 120:
- Divide by 2: 120÷2=60
- Divide by 2: 60÷2=30
- Divide by 2: 30÷2=15
- Divide by 3: 15÷3=5
- Divide by 5: 5÷5=1
- Prime Factorization: 120=23×31×51

- 210:
- Divide by 2: 210÷2=105
- Divide by 3: 105÷3=35
- Divide by 5: 35÷5=7
- Divide by 7: 7÷7=1
- Prime Factorization: 210=21×31×51×71

- 225:
- Divide by 3: 225÷3=75
- Divide by 3: 75÷3=25
- Divide by 5: 25÷5=5
- Divide by 5: 5÷5=1
- Prime Factorization: 225=32×52

Step 2: Identify the Highest Power of Each Prime Factor
Now, we will take the highest power of each prime factor from the factorizations:
- For 2: highest power is 23 (from 120)
- For 3: highest power is 32 (from 225)
- For 5: highest power is 52 (from 225)
- For 7: highest power is 71 (from 210)

Step 3: Calculate the LCM
Now, we can calculate the LCM by multiplying these highest powers together:

Calculating this step-by-step:
1. 23=8
2. 32=9
3. 52=25
4. 71=7

Now, multiply these values together:

Final Answer
Thus, the LCM of 120, 210, and 225 is 12600.

