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Differentiate between metallic and non-metallic minerals with examples?

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The difference between metallic and non-metallic minerals are:
Metallic Minerals
  • Metallic Minerals are minerals in which metal elements are present in their raw form.

  • When metallic minerals are melted a new product is formed.

  • Metallic minerals are usually found in igneous and metamorphic rock formations.

  • Metallic minerals are good conductors of electricity as well as heat.

  • Metallic minerals have high malleability, ductility and have lustre.

  • For example: Iron, Copper, bauxite etc.

  • Non-Metallic Minerals
  • Non-metallic minerals do not contain any metal substances in them.

  • In the case of non-metallic minerals, you don’t get any new product after such a process.

  • Non-metallic minerals are often found embedded in young fold mountains and sedimentary rocks.

  • Non-metallic minerals are basically good insulators of electricity and heat.

  • Non-metallic minerals lack malleability, ductility and these minerals break down easily and do not have shine or lustre.

  • For example: coal, salt, clay etc.
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