Explain with examples different forms of social differences.
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There are two forms of social differences—overlapping social differences and cross-cutting social differences.
Overlapping social differences: When some social difference overlaps with other differences, it produces social divisions. In such a situation, one kind of social difference becomes more important than the other and people start feeling that they belong to different communities.
For example, the difference between Blacks and Whites in the United States becomes a reason for a social division because Blacks tend to be poor and landless and often face injustice and discrimination.
Cross-cutting Differences: If social differences cross-cut one another, it is difficult to pit a group of people against the other. It means that groups that share a common interest in an issue are likely to be on different sides on a different issue.
For example, Northern Ireland and the Netherlands both are predominantly Christian countries but are divided between Catholics and Protestants. In Northern Ireland, class and religion overlap each other, where Catholics tend to be poor and have suffered discrimination whereas in the Neth¬erlands, class, and religion tend to cross-cut each other and both are equally likely to be rich or poor. It means they have conflict in Northern Ireland and it is not so in the Netherlands. Cross-cutting social differences are easier to accommodate.
For example, the difference between Blacks and Whites in the United States becomes a reason for a social division because Blacks tend to be poor and landless and often face injustice and discrimination.
For example, Northern Ireland and the Netherlands both are predominantly Christian countries but are divided between Catholics and Protestants. In Northern Ireland, class and religion overlap each other, where Catholics tend to be poor and have suffered discrimination whereas in the Neth¬erlands, class, and religion tend to cross-cut each other and both are equally likely to be rich or poor. It means they have conflict in Northern Ireland and it is not so in the Netherlands. Cross-cutting social differences are easier to accommodate.
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