In what ways do pressure groups and movements exert influence on politics?
Text Solution
Pressure groups and movements exert influence on politics :
1. Information campaigns, organizing meetings, file petitions: Pressure groups carry out information campaigns, organize meetings, and file petitions to attract public attention and gain support for their activities.
2. Media: They take help from the media in order to reach a large number of people through news channels and in order to gain maximum support.
3. Strikes: Pressure groups exert influence by strikes and hunger strikes. This is a nonviolent way which was a great effect on politics. The government is, thus, pressurized to take note of their demand.
4. Advertisements and hoardings: Pressure groups and movements put up advertisements and boards everywhere in the city so that people may know about their activities.
5. Lobbying and participation in official meetings: Business groups often employ professional lobbyists. Some persons from the group or movement participate in the official meetings and offer advice to the government.
6. Take a political stance on major issues: Interest groups and movements do not directly take part in party politics but try to exert influence on political parties by taking a political stand on different issues. They have their own political ideology and political position on major issues.
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