Describe the impact of globalization on the Indian economy with examples.
Text Solution
The impact of globalization on the Indian economy is as follows:
1. It has created competition among producers, both local and foreign, which is advantageous to the consumers, particularly the well-off. Now, there is a greater choice of goods before the consumers.
2. It has enabled many Indian companies to become multinational companies such as Tate Motors, Infosys, and Ranbaxy.
3. It has created new employment opportunities for companies providing services, especially information technology. A lot of services such as data entry, accounting, administrative tasks are done cheaply in India and exported to other countries.
4. New jobs are created in industries such as electronics, cell phones, automobiles, and fast food.
5. It harmed small manufacturers. Due to competition, some industries have been hit hard such as batteries, capacitors, plastic toys, vegetable oil, etc. Several units have shut down and a lot of workers, have become jobless.
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