Summarize this poem in about 100 words
The poem is sung by Amiens, a master who tells of a fake friendship that leads to sorrow. He has compared fake friendship to the cold of winter. For him, a fake friend hurts more than the pain caused by the cold wind of harsh winters. The bites of the strong winds, which are not seen even by the wind, do not cause as much pain as a person's ingratitude. As written in the poem, the poet comments on how his friends have forgotten the favour favoured by the speaker in the past. Therefore, he compares betrayal with the cold air that causes frostbite (tingling of fingers, etc. due to harsh cold). However, the harsh winter is not entirely unbearable as the unthankful behaviour of his dear friend. The poem concludes with a positive message that even if people aren’t loyal, we should enjoy life as much as we can.
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