Why should child labour be eliminated and how?
Child labour is a curse to any human society because children are the future of a society. But, when indulged in child labour, all the carefree behaviour, enthusiasm, liveliness, joy of life, spirit of childhood is replaced by the brunt of responsibilities and troubled outlook of life. At such a young age, children should be energetic and creative with futuristic ideas thinking about their idols, aspirations and ambitions. They should not be worrying about earning piecemeal income. Also, most of these children are undernourished, ill fed and may have severe mental health issues due to unhappiness. Their childhood is stolen. Child labour can be eliminated through the following ways:-
1) Government should enact stricter laws and punishment and ensure their rigorous enactment.
2) Government should launch awareness campaigns regarding these laws, punishments and generic topic awareness.
3) There should be stricter surveillance. In each colony, there should be a government official taking care of this.
4) The children should be rehabilitated, educated and provided some pocket money to sustain themselves. Their families should be either punished or educated.
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