The future of water will be a gamble-resting entirely on the way we decide to play the same here. Either we continue to use water irresponsibly, threatening the very existence of this planet or we adopt sustainable and smart water management practices to build a water secure future.
By 2050, India's total water demand will increase by 32 percent from now. Industrial and domestic sectors will account for 85 percent of the additional demand.
Over-exploitation of ground-water, failure to recharge acquifers and reduction in catchment capacities due to uncontrolled urbanisation are all causes of the precarious tilt in the water balance.
If the present rate of groundwater persists, India will have only 22 pircent of the present daily per capita water available in 2050, possibly forcing the country to import its water.
Optimists believe that India's people some 1.7 billion by 2050, will have integrated water efficient practices into their daily lives. If the ambitious water sustainability goals set by global industries and governments are testament we dare say that the world has begun to recognise water as a resource after all.
While beverages giants are focussed on returning water to the communities where they manufacture their drinks, food processing players are engaging with farmers and upstream actors to minimise water usage across the supply chain and textile houses are evangelising the concept of sustainable fashion.
Companies have realised the risks emanating from the possibility of a water-scarce future. This has triggered companies to re-engineer processes, implement water optimising, technologies, establish water audit standards, and use a collaborative approach to deal with the water crisis.
We will face a severe water - scarcity problem in future mostly because
we do not use water responsibly
ground - water level is steadily decreasing
water is not a renewable source
by 2050, demand for water will increase considerably
The correct Answer is:C
We will face a severe water - scarcity problem in future as mostly because water is not a renewable source . It is very necessary to take effective measure right from now to conserve water and use it judiciously.
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