Read the following passages and answer the questions that follow
Causality is one of the central notions in our conception of the world. We think of the things and events we experience as connected, and causal relations between them is perhaps the most important connection. Thoughts of causation are central to how we think about our own actions, thoughts, responsibilities and relationships. Yet, however common the notion of causation is in our thoughts, it proves to be very mysterious once we focus on it in an attempt to gain a better understanding of it. As a number of philosophers (including Nicolas Malebranche and David Hume) emphasized, it appears that we do not have any direct experience of causation. We see events follow one another, and often conclude that one caused the other, but it is not as though we perceive some sort of force passing from one to the other. Even in the case of our own actions, we are strikingly unable to explain how a decision to ask a question brings about motion in our bodies. Even setting such epistemological problems aside, we might wonder what it is we are saying when we say that one thing causes another. We seem to be saying more than that one thing follows the other, but what is that something more? It appears to involve some thought about other events of a similar type (for instance, in saying that a thrown rock broke a window, we appear to commit ourselves to the belief that there is some sort of general connection between throwing rocks and breaking windows), but it is not clear what that involvement amounts to According to Aristotle, the 'Material Cause' is the "raw material" from which a thing is produced - its parts, constituents, substratum, or materials. This rubric limits the explanation of cause to the parts (the factors, elements, constituents, ingredients) forming the whole (the system, structure, compound, complex, composite, or combination) (the part whole causation). For instance, the material causes of a human body would be a set of organs (skin, heart, bones, etc.). Importantly, each of these organs would in turn have material causes (types of tissue). This division can be continued down at least to the level of the basic elements. Aristotle defines 'Formal Cause' as the 'form' of a thing, in virtue of which it is the sort of thing it is. Anything is thought to be determined by its definition, form(mold), pattern, essence, whole, synthesis, or archetype. For instance, the form of a human body would be the arrangement of the organs (muscle covering the bones, skin covering the muscle, etc.).
When we say that one thing cause another we seem to be saying that______
less than that one thing follows the other
that thing does not follow the other
more than that particular thing follows the other
there is hierarchical relationship between the two things
The correct Answer is:C
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