Summarise the poem in 100 words
The poet says that you can destroy the universities by bombing, and burn out the dwelling houses of the poor people. You can reduce the hostel to ruffles but you can not erase my identity. Even you can destroy my identity mark from the signposts but take it for granted that I shall never die. I will come back again and sprout like grass. The poet further says that you may bomb down Banga or destroy Sangrur or turn the whole of Ludhiana into ashes but take it from me it would be just a matter of time, maybe two years to ten years and all the places and cities will get reconstructed. They will stand back again and there will be no scar mark on their faces. My green dress will cover all those places because I am like grass. He also says that his green field will grow and shall turn into a vast green jungle like the jungles of Barnala, where the tourists will start visiting. The tourists will feel happy to say my greenery and that would be a defeat of your ulterior motive. So, you can cut me, mow me, chop me but can't take out life from me because I am like grass that sprouts even after moaning, chopping, or cutting
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