Why were the students of Nalanda University increasingly successful in their daily life ? How did the syllabus of Nalanda University help its students ? Do you find your syllabus helpful to you ? Evaluate your own syllabus in the light of the syllabus of Nalanda University.
The preparation of the syllabus of the university was in such a way that it could take care of the all-round development of the coed. It provided perfect knowledge to them. It included all important subjects like bioscience, Grammar, Languages, Logic, Crafts (Arts), architecture, etc. as compulsory subjects. there have been other subjects like philosophy and religion. It relied on the scholars to pick out either of them as an optional subject. Thus the syllabus helped the scholars in ending their studies smoothly and increased their career.Our syllabus has also been framed in keeping with the necessity of times. It also includes several subjects of science, arts, and commerce. All the topics of science, arts, and commerce. All the themes of the syllabus are grouped into four faculties—Humanities, Science, Commerce, and scientific discipline. This provision has been made in keeping with the demand of your time. Each subject provides specific and exhaustive knowledge of the topic. This syllabus has been constituted keeping in mind the current problem of employment. It provides the most recent knowledge of all the topics. It makes us awake to the knowledge of the newest scientific researches and inventions, the globe wide knowledge of trade and commerce.Despite all their things, the syllabus of the present days cannot give the composite and moral knowledge which the syllabus of Nalanda University provided. The aim of the syllabus of Nalanda University was to supply the scholars with the right knowledge of humanity and religion. It made the scholars alert to the aim of life. The aim of this syllabus is to produce us with the knowledge to urge an acceptable job to steer a cushty life
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