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Why does the author feel that the discovery of drugs does not protect the people very much?

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The author brings an important fact into the light with this chapter and that is the difference between the drugs. Although, mankind has got a lot of serious diseases spread all over the world because of multiple reasons. But we humans are dependent on only one type of drug and that is the cure. Despite working for so many years, a lot of serious maladies have still not got any vaccine against them by which they can be finally ended. But yes, the medical scientists have at least created some kind of preventive medicine against these diseases. For example, there is no permanent cure of diabetes but it can be controlled by the proper dosage of insulin. But discovery of insulin is not protecting the people very much because it is a preventive medicine. People who suffer from diabetes do not take regular injections of insulin because they have a neglecting attitude towards the insulin injections and various examples of this can be seen in most of the houses. Thus discovery of preventive drugs does not make an appreciable difference to the mortality rate.
