Doubtnut Promotions Sticky

How do you think the title of the poem is justified? Can you suggest any other title? Give reasons for your choice.

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Alexander Pope draws a beautiful picture of a happy man in the present poem “Ode on solitude”. Ode means lyric poem. The poet has very well explained that the real happiness lies in a simple life of contentment and that too in solitude. As such the title of the poem, “Ode on solitude” is quite appropriate. The poet further adds that a man should not be greedy and should be satisfied with his limited resources such as the few-acres of land inherited from his ancestors. He should also be content with his food (crop) from his field, milk from his cattle, wool for clothing from his sheep, shade, and firewood from his trees. At the end, the poet suggests to live such a life and die in peace without being lamented by people. He even dislikes a tombstone to be placed on a grave. It is obvious from his expression that it is better to live and to die in solitude. The theme of the poem is: “The happiest life is a simple life spent in solitude”. So, the title of the poem is justified.Though the title of the poem is self-explanatory and most suitable taking into account the theme of the poem, still there may be some equally appropriate titles of the poem. Just as (i) “The pleasure in solitude” (ii) The happiest lite : Simple life in solitude”. I have suggested these two titles because they represent the true spirit of the poem according to the theme.
