Doubtnut Promotions Sticky

Identify the odd one among the following and justify that.
Bacteria, Insect, Earthworm, Hydra

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Step-by-Step Solution:

1. List the Organisms: The organisms provided are Bacteria, Insect, Earthworm, and Hydra.

2. Classify the Organisms:
- Bacteria: These are prokaryotic organisms. They do not have a well-defined nucleus and their genetic material is located in a region called the nucleoid.
- Insect: Insects are eukaryotic organisms. They have a well-defined nucleus enclosed within a nuclear membrane.
- Earthworm: Earthworms are also eukaryotic organisms with a well-developed nucleus.
- Hydra: Hydra is a eukaryotic organism as well, possessing a well-defined nucleus.

3. Identify the Odd One Out:
- Among the four organisms, Bacteria is the odd one out because it is prokaryotic, while Insect, Earthworm, and Hydra are all eukaryotic.

4. Justification:
- The key difference lies in the cellular structure. Prokaryotes (like Bacteria) lack a membrane-bound nucleus and other membrane-bound organelles, whereas eukaryotes (Insect, Earthworm, and Hydra) have a well-defined nucleus and organelles that are membrane-bound.

Final Answer:
The odd one is Bacteria because it is a prokaryote, while Insect, Earthworm, and Hydra are eukaryotes.

