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How did the following terms originate?

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Step-by-Step Text Solution:

1. Understanding the Term "Amphibia": The term "Amphibia" is derived from two Greek words: "amphi" and "bios."

2. Meaning of "Amphi": The prefix "amphi" translates to "both" in English. This indicates that the organisms classified under this category can thrive in two different environments.

3. Meaning of "Bios": The second part of the term, "bios," comes from the Greek word for "life." Therefore, it refers to the living aspect of these organisms.

4. Combining the Meanings: When we combine these two parts, "amphi" (both) and "bios" (life), we get the meaning of "life in both environments." This suggests that Amphibia includes organisms that can live both in water and on land.

5. Examples of Amphibians: Common examples of amphibians include frogs and salamanders. These animals have adaptations that allow them to live in both aquatic and terrestrial habitats.

6. Conclusion: Thus, the term "Amphibia" originated from the Greek words "amphi" (both) and "bios" (life), reflecting the dual habitat of these organisms.

