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Write the symptoms and mode of transmission of 3 sleeping sickness.

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Step-by-Step Solution

1. Identify the Causative Organism:
- The disease known as sleeping sickness is caused by a parasite called Trypanosoma brucei.

2. Determine the Mode of Transmission:
- Sleeping sickness is a vector-borne disease, meaning it is transmitted through a vector.
- The primary vector responsible for transmitting this disease is the Tsetse fly.
- The disease can be transmitted through the bite of an infected Tsetse fly.
- Additionally, transmission can occur through blood transfusions from an infected person.

3. List the Symptoms:
- The symptoms of sleeping sickness include:
- Pain in muscles and joints: Patients may experience discomfort and pain in their muscles and joints.
- Swollen lymph nodes: The lymph nodes may become swollen as the body responds to the infection.
- Weight loss: As the illness progresses, individuals may experience significant weight loss.
- Headache: Many patients report frequent headaches.
- Fever: A common symptom is the presence of fever.
- Rashes: Skin rashes may also occur in some patients.

- Causative Organism: Trypanosoma brucei
- Mode of Transmission:
- Bite of an infected Tsetse fly
- Blood transfusions
- Symptoms:
- Pain in muscles and joints
- Swollen lymph nodes
- Weight loss
- Headache
- Fever
- Rashes

Updated on:8/8/2024

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