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Narrate the gist of the poem in your own words.

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According to Shakespeare, True love is about the union of true minds and this faithful union can overcome all obstacles and difficulties of life. He believes that true love doesn't alter or change as soon as it sees other opportunities in its way. He clearly states that the love that alters at difficult situations is not love. Saying otherwise, it is a fixed point that cannot be shaken and no external influence can break their bond, no matter how strong that force actually is! Poet says love is like the fixed and consistent star in the sky which leads all lovers, that denotes how lovers are constantly guided by true love. We can try to measure the height of the pole-star but cannot even think about measuring its value. Similarly, the value of true love cannot be quantified. Poet says that the beauty of youth fades away with the passing of time but love never loses its grace. Physical beauty that appeals to lust is vulnerable to the ravages of time, but true love, which is the union of true minds never fades away. True lovers remain united until the end of time and their last breath.
