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What is auditory fatigue? How does it occur?

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Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Definition of Auditory Fatigue:
- Auditory fatigue is a condition that affects the quality of hearing. It occurs when the auditory system becomes less responsive to sound stimuli after prolonged exposure to loud noises or sounds.

2. Cause of Auditory Fatigue:
- The primary cause of auditory fatigue is overexposure to audio stimuli. When the ears are subjected to continuous or loud sounds, the sensory cells in the inner ear can become fatigued.

3. Physiological Changes:
- During auditory fatigue, there is a decrease in the efficiency of the auditory system. This can be attributed to reduced blood flow to the ears, which affects their ability to respond to sound.

4. Effects on Hearing:
- As a result of auditory fatigue, individuals may experience a temporary reduction in hearing ability, often described as a muffled sensation. This can lead to short-term hearing loss, making it difficult to hear sounds clearly.

5. Duration:
- Auditory fatigue can occur for a short period of time but can also persist if the exposure to loud sounds continues without breaks.
