Doubtnut Promotions Sticky

Can a person like Nanukaka be more successful in the present society? Give reasons.

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Yes, a person like Nanukaka will be more successful in the society because now World is changed. People who are well behaved simple, pious and moral by high are taken to be foolish. They always have to suffer became of their goodness but on the other hand. people who are clever. cunning crafty are thought to be wise efficient and human. People who speak Pies, are really mean and selfish. Though. they manage to do their work easily. Nanukaka happened to be the person of the same category of mean and crafty people. It is quite evident from his manners of conducting the issues and managing the things through all possible wroung acs to achieve his mission and he was able to succeed in fulfilling his awn selfish end. In the present sodety. deceitful and decepthre deceptive peoplearegiven more respect than the truthful and good people. Secondly clever people outwit every body and Nanukaka happens to representing such persons (of the same colour and mare). He easiy-outwitted the minister and Schanlal.
