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Sketch the character of Seibei as an artist.

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Gathering gourds was a hobby of Seibei. He was continually searching for a gourd of his preference. When he got a gourd he loved, he would invest the greater part of his energy making it an ideal piece of craftsmanship. At night, after school, he would sit with folded legs in a comer of the front room chipping away at his recently obtained gourd. He would take out its seeds, and empty a little purpose into it. He would put a plug to close it. He enveloped it with a towel and put it in a tin. At that point, he set the entire thing in the charcoal footwarmer. Promptly toward the beginning of the day, he inspected the gourd. At that point, he put it in the sun to dry it. At that point, he cleaned it cautiously with purpose. It would take him numerous days to clean it smooth and sparkling. Be that as it may, when his dad had broken every one of his gourds, Seibei couldn't limit his ability. He redirected it to painting pictures. He had no malevolence against anyone. He didn't gather gourds expecting to bring in cash. He was an unadulterated craftsman on a basic level and needed to offer expression to his inclination.
