What is the essential difference between Indian civilization and western civilization? How is our civilization superior to western civilization?
Text Solution
The chief difference between Indian civilization and western civilization is that the former stands for spiritualism while the latter stands for materialism. Indian civilization advocates for self-denial and not self-indulgence which is an essential part of western civilization. The writer admits that he does not dislike the west. Rather he is grateful to it for many things he has learnt from it. He also accepts that the inventions made by them are dazzling in many ways. But he also holds that his experience says that for the Indians, it would be fatal to imitate the western culture and civilization because it leads to developing a distance from religion and god. The west has become has turned into a godless society. Such a distance from these higher values of life leads to immorality. The writer also claims that Indian civilization is far superior to western civilization. The material life offered by the western civilization is transient while spiritual life offered by the Indian civilization leads to divinity and hence it is permanent.
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