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Which is the least basic:









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To determine which compound is the least basic among NF3, NCl3, NBr3, and NI3, we need to analyze the basicity of each compound based on the electronegativity of the halogen atoms attached to nitrogen.

1. Understanding Basicity: Basicity refers to the ability of a compound to donate a lone pair of electrons. The more available the lone pair, the more basic the compound is.

2. Identify the Compounds: The compounds we are comparing are:
- NF3 (Nitrogen trifluoride)
- NCl3 (Nitrogen trichloride)
- NBr3 (Nitrogen tribromide)
- NI3 (Nitrogen triiodide)

3. Electronegativity of Halogens: The electronegativity of the halogens in these compounds decreases in the following order:
- Fluorine (F) > Chlorine (Cl) > Bromine (Br) > Iodine (I)

4. Effect of Electronegativity on Basicity:
- In NF3, fluorine is highly electronegative, which means it will attract the lone pair of electrons on nitrogen strongly, making it less available for donation. Therefore, NF3 is less basic.
- In NCl3, chlorine is less electronegative than fluorine, so it will still pull on the lone pair but not as strongly as fluorine. Thus, NCl3 is more basic than NF3.
- In NBr3, bromine is even less electronegative, which means the lone pair is more available compared to NF3 and NCl3, making NBr3 more basic.
- In NI3, iodine is the least electronegative of the halogens, which means it pulls the lone pair the least, making it the most basic of the four compounds.

5. Conclusion: Since NF3 has the most electronegative halogen (fluorine) pulling on the lone pair of nitrogen, it is the least basic among the compounds listed. Therefore, the answer is:
- NF3 is the least basic compound.
