Question Stimulus
DIRECTIONS: Read the following passage carefully and complete the following sentences.
In the recent years, tourism in India has seen exponential growth. India is one of the most preferred destinations for both overseas and domestic travellers. Due to tourism, the international travellers are able to understand and experience India's cultural diversity first hand. The tremendous progress made by the Indian economy has enabled the growth of tourism in India. India is vibrant, passionate, crowded and bursting with life. Our multifaceted past reminds the visitor of the diverse culture everywhere which is very much alive & pulsating.
Medical tourism is one of the fastest growing segments in India. India has been able to have influence on other countries, due to certain factors like highly skilled doctors, cost effective treatment, improved quality of private healthcare, etc. Some of the common treatments for which overseas patients come to India are heart surgery, knee transplant, cosmetic surgery and dental care. India's traditional rejuvenation therapy like yoga and ayurvedic therapy are also becoming popular.
India's varied geographical and climatic conditions offer excellent opportunity for adventure sports. In recent times the popularity of adventure tourism has increased. Adventure sports like river rafting, rock climbing, mountaineering, trekking, skiing, snow climbing, scuba diving and angling can be undertaken in the country and the country offers multiple locations to choose from.
What does the term 'exponential growth' mean?
Increase in number or size at a constantly growing rate
Stagnant or static growth
Decreasing rate of growth
None of the above
The correct Answer is:A
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