Read the passage carefully and answer the question given below:
A few weeks ago, if you saw someone wandering around your neighborhood staring at their phone, you might have assumed they were lost. Now, it would not be too much of a stretch to think that they are busy locating, capturing, battling or training fictional creatures called Pokemon. Welcome to Pokemon Go, the free-to-play location-based augmented reality game that has taken the world by storm since its release on July 6, 2017. For those that are unfamiliar with the Pokemon brand and wondering what the latest hoopla is all about, here is a brief rundown.
Pokemon first emerged in 1995 as a Nintendo video game. Through the decades, it has grown into a massive franchise, which includes trading card games, animated movies and television shows, toys, and comics. While popular, it was primarily aimed at children and nostalgic adults who played the game when they were young. Ironically, the idea of creating the augmented reality game that has made Pokemon a household name came from an April Fool’s joke.
On April 1, 2014, Google Inc. announced “Pokemon Masters,” an app that would allow people to hunt the monsters using Google Maps. Though just a prank, the ensuing enthusiasm caught the attention of San Francisco-based startup Niantic Labs and its founder, John Hanke. The team, whose first augmented reality mobile app game, Ingress, has been downloaded more than 12 million times, decided to turn Google’s prank into a reality by partnering with Nintendo to create Pokemon Go.
Similar to previous Pokemon games, players travel the world to capture and battle the monsters in their quest to become the greatest Pokemon trainers. However, while the trips in the previous games were imaginary and conducted within the confines of a room, Pokemon Go forces players to get off their chairs and venture outside. That’s because the game uses the phone’s GPS and camera to help players “find” Pokemon in the real world, as well as discover various landmarks or Pokestops, which offer items and experience points. This could mean finding a Rattata in your backyard, a Pidgey around the block, or a Pokestop at your favorite neighborhood ice cream parlor.
Question: According to the passage, what is the greatest difference of this latest game?
It is primarily aimed at children and adults who played the game earlier.
All of the above.
The games are imaginary and conducted within the confines of a room.
It forces players to get off their chairs and venture outside.
The correct Answer is:D
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