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Explain the impact of World Wars on the clothing pattern of women.

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(i) Women and work: Before the First World War most of the women in Europe were not working in factories. But by 1917, more than 7,00,000 women in Britain were employed in ammunition factories. As they were going to work they needed clothes that were comfortable and convenient. They started wearing a working uniform of blouse and trouser uniform. Clothes became plainer and simpler. Skirts became shorter.
(ii) No jewellery: Most of the working women stopped wearing jewellery and luxurious clothes.
(iii) Change in school dress: Even schools started emphasising the importance of plain dressing, and. discouraged ornamentation. With the introduction of gymnastics and games women started wearing clothes that did not hamper movement.
(iv) Change in colour: Before the war people used to wear bright coloured clothes but during the war bright colours faded from sight and only sober colours were worn. Thus clothes became plainer and simpler.

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