Although studies have shown that India's performance in health (level as well as speed) is poor (UNDP, 1992), the health status, in general, has improved. Life expectancy and infant survival conditions are better than what is predicted for a country with India's level of income. Between 1951 adn 1992, life expectancy at birth (LEB) increased from 32.1 years to 60.3 years, the death rate fell from 27.4 to 10 per thousand and IMR fell from 139 per thousand live births in 1972 to 79 in 1992. But, the improvements has not been even across regions and between genders.
An attempt is made here to look at the inter-regional disparities in health development.
India has surpassed many countries in forms of health improvement from 1951 to 1992.

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The correct Answer is:3

Data inadequate. No doubt India has improved vastly from 1951 to 1992.
Yet we must also know the performance of other countries to reach any definite conclusion.

Updated on:21/07/2023
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