The candidate must be between 25 and 30 years old as on 1.1.95.
II. The candidate must be a graduate from a recognised Indian University with at least 55% marks.
III. The candidate must possess a work experience of at least 3 years in some publishing house.
The candidate must not be suffering from colour blindness.
If a candidate fulfils all these criteria, he may be selected as Desk. Officer. However, if a candidate fulfils all these criteria except
(a) I above, but possesses as work experience of more than seven years in a publishing house, he or she may be selected.
(b) II above, but has done 10+2 (or Intermediate) followed by a computer education of at least two years, he or she may be selected as Desk Officer on Probation.
(c ) III above, but is a post-graduate with at least 50% marks, his or her case may be referred to the Proprietor of the publishing house.
On the basis of the criteria as laid above, decide the course of action that should be taken in case of the candidates below. Give answer:
Virendramani Sakhle suffers from colour blindness. He has 76% marks in graduation. He is 26 years old and has a work experience of four years in a publishing house.
if the candidate is to be selected for the post of Desk Officer.
if the candidate is to be selected for the post of Desk Officer on Probation.
if the case of the condidate is to be referred to the Proprietor.
if the candidate is not be selected.
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