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Write a short note on DFC. Give its significance in a terrestrial ecosystem.

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Detritus Food Chain (DFC) : Dead organisms of the grazing food chain form a source of energy for other organisms. Similarly, waste materials passed from the bodies of living organisms are also a source of energy for some organisms called decomposers like saprotrophs, detritivores and mineralizers. Saprotrophs are micro organisms such as fungi and bacteria, which live on dead organic matter. Detritivores ingest small fragments of decomposing organic materials, termed detritus. Mineralisers effect the mineralisation of humus.
Detritivores may be eaten by the carnivores, which may then be consumed by other carnivores, thus building up a food chain based on detritus. This is termed detritus food chain. Those feeding directly on the dead bodies or detritus are primary detritus feeders and those preying on these organisms are secondary detritus feeders.
Two typical detritus food chains of the woodland ecosystem are:
Leaf litter earthworms birds hawk
Dead animals flies and maggots frog snake
