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Distinguish between addiction and dependence.

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Addition: It is a physchological attachment to certain effects such as euphoria. The most important thing one fails to realise is the inherent addictive nature of tobacco, drugs and alcohol. With the repeated use of TDA, the tolerance level of the receptors present respond only to higher doses leading to greater intake and addition. However it should be clearly borne in mind that use of TDA even once can be a fore runner to addition. Thus, the addictive potential of tobacco, drugs and alcohol pull the users into a vicious circle leadig to ther regular use (abuse) from whcih they may ot be able to get out. In the absence of any guidance or counselling, people get addicted and become dependent on them.
Dependence: It is the tendency of the body of manifest a charasteristic and unpleasant condition (withdrawl syndrome) if the regular dose of drugs or alcohol is abruptly discontinued. The withdrawal syndrome is characterised by anxiety, shakiness (tremors), nausea and sweating which may be relieved when the regular use is resumed again. Dependence leads the patients to ignore all soial norms.
