Explain five types of indushial pollution.

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Five types of lndustral Pollution are:
(i) Air pollution
(ii) River water pollution
(iii) Underground water pollution
(iv) Noise pollution
(v) Soil pollution
(vi) Any other relevant point
Detailed Answer:
Five types of industrial pollution:
(i) Carbon Monoxide: This is a colourless and odourless toxic gas that is produced by the incomplete combustion of carbon fuels.
(ii) Theburningoffossil fuels: This producesroughly three quarters of all man-made carbon dioxide emissions. Carbon dioxide cannot be absorbed by our surrounding environment, the addition of carbon based fuel emissions is compounding the problem of too much carbon dioxide being released in the atmosphere.
(iii) Sulphur Oxides: This poisonous gas is a result of fuel combustion, which negatively affects human health, along with the envirorunent. Sulphur oxide is the main cause of add rain.
(iv) Nitrous Oxides: These are reactive greenhouse gases that stem from carbon based fuel combustion, and are one of the primary contributors to the formation of add rain. Nitrous oxide creates highly acidic areas, which kills plant and animal life.
(v) Particulate Matter: This is one of the more significant human health hazards, because it penetrates lung tissue and can consequently lead to cancerous agents in the lungs, or possibly even Tuberculosis.
(vi) Volatile Organic Compounds: If you have been following the Ecolink blogs, then you have probably seen vacs mentioned more than once. This is a term that refers to the volatility oforganic compounds from manufacturing operations and processes that escape into the air in a gaseous state. vacs create hazardous indoor and outdoor toxins.

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