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How are industries responsible for environmental degradation in India? Explain with examples.

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Industries responsible for Environmental Degradation in India:
(i) Pollution of land, water and air from industries caused environmental degradation.
(ii) Burning of fossil fuels in big and small factories emit smoke in the air.
(iii) Organic and inorganic industrial wastes and effluents are discharged into rivers.
(iv) Dumping of wastes from industries renders the soil useless.
(v) Rain water carrying pollutants from wastes dumped by industries percolates and contaminates the ground water.
(vi) Any other relevant point.
Detailed Answer:
Industries are responsible for environmental degradation in India in the following ways:
(i) Industries emit smoke and pollute water and air very badly.
(ii) Undesirable gases like carbon monoxide and sulphur dioxide cause air pollution.
(iii) Industrial water contains toxic metals which pollute land and soil.
(iv) Unwanted loud noise and sound from industries also causes pollution and damages the hearing system of living beings.
(v) Industrial effluents are discharged into the rivers. They include both organic and inorganic matter such as coal, dyes, soaps, pesticides and fertilizers, plastic and rubber. These are major water pollutants.
(vi) Sometimes, solid industrial waste is dumped into isolated pockets of land. This leads to land and soil pollution in adjoining areas.
