Imagine that you are the village head. In that capacity suggest some activities that you think should be taken up under the act that would also increase the income of the people. Discuss.
The following measures should be taken up under this act that would also increase the income of people.
(i) Irrigation facilities should be enhanced. This could lead to a lot of employment generation within the agriculture and it will reduce the problem of under employment.
(ii) Village roads should be constructed. It provides employment to the farmers in off-season and also provides facilities for the storage of crops.
(iii) Provide cheap agricultural credit through the local bank for farming to improve condition of the farmers.
(iv) Encourage farmers to adopt new methods of agriculture.
(v) To identify, promote and locate industries and services in semi-rural areas whereby a large number of people may be employed.
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deadens interest and checks real lerning . Look up a word
here and there , but as a general policy try to push ahead ,
guessing what words mean from the context . It is extensive
and not intersive reading that normally helps you to get
interseted in extra reading and thereby improves your
English . you should enjoy the feeling which extensive
reading gives . As you read you will become more and
more familiar with words and sentence patterns you
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In the overall economy of india, agriculture is the largest sector of economy activity. It plays a crucial role in the country's economic development by providing food to its people and raw materials to industry. It accounts for the largest share to the national income. The share of the various agricultural commodities , animal husbandry and ancillary activities has been more than 40 percent since independence. During the decade of the fifties , it actually contributed about half of the national output.
Agriculture contributes to national income more than all other activities put together.
View SolutionRead the following extract and answer the questions given below :
To read a lot is essential . It is stupid not to venture
outside the examination 'set books' or the testbooks you
have chosen for intensive study . Read as many books in English as you can , not as duty but for pleasure . Do not
choose the most difficult books you find , with the idea of
listing and learning as many new words as possible ,
choose what is likely to interest you and be sure in
advance, that it is not too . You should not have to be
constantly looking up new words in the dictionary , for that
deadens interest and checks real lerning . Look up a word
here and there , but as a general policy try to push ahead ,
guessing what words mean from the context . It is extensive
and not intersive reading that normally helps you to get
interseted in extra reading and thereby improves your
English . you should enjoy the feeling which extensive
reading gives . As you read you will become more and
more familiar with words and sentence patterns you
already know , understanding them better and better as you
meet them is more and more contexts , some of which many
differ only slightly from others .
Some people say that we cannot learn to speak a
language better with help of a book . To believe that the
spoken language and written language are quite different
things . This is not so
It is extensive .
(Make is a Rhetorical question .)
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